Drapery Cleaning - NY

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Drapery Cleaning - NY

Did you know your window treatments can be cleaned and repaired? Did you also know this is 10 times less than their replacement cost? Broadway Carpets NY is a professional window treatments cleaning company. We provide all types of window treatments cleaning and maintenance services. It doesn't matter how old or stained they are, the hands of professionals can really make a magical difference that you can’t compare. Window treatments cleaning is never easy as it seems to be. It is quite a very risky task. If you mishandle window treatments you may cause more damage than good. You may end up destroying the dyes, texture and design. Washing on your own also causes shrinkage of the fabric which disrupts its creases, pleats and hems. It’s no fun to watch your expensively window treatments going through all this. That is enough reason why you should get this work done by some professional and experienced person like Broadway Carpets NY. We service all Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx, Riverdale, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island and New Jersey. At Broadway Carpets NY we have a staff of extensive background knowledge and experience in cleaning and maintenance of all soft and hard window treatments. Our staff is background checked and is dedicated to its tasks and responsibilities. You can trust our company for any specialty cleaning service, especially for window treatments cleaning. If you have large window treatments made of heavy fabric sensitively attached to the upper frames, it is very difficult to take it off and send it for cleaning. We have catered to that problem by offering on-site window treatments cleaning services, if able. If that's not feasible for you, we also offer a free removal, free pick-up, free delivery and free re-hanging service for all window treatments cleaned at our facility.

How do we clean your window treatments?

Vacuum cleaning - We offer commercial grade vacuum cleaning of your window treatments. This keeps the dust from building upon its surface and inhibits the growth of dust mites as well as other bacteria.

Washing - Vacuuming removes the dry dirt and soil from the curtain fabric but it is not effective against stains and odors. This too is a necessary step in window treatments cleaning. We first check if your window treatments are not water sensitive and prone to shrinkage. After that, we give them a thorough wash in cold water. We keep all the manufacturer instructions in view and clean your window treatments in a gentle way to maintain their quality and fabric safety. Once all the spots and odors are removed, we dry the window treatments safely and rehang them where needed.

Steam Cleaning - This cleaning method is our specialty. We offer deep steam cleaning for highly soiled and stained window treatments. Besides spot and odor removal, we also perform disinfection as an add-on for your hygiene safety. Steam cleaning prevents your window treatments from suffering shrinkage or pleats disruption. It is also the most vital and effective cleaning method. You should get your window treatments deeply washed every year to maintain good air quality at your home or office. However, it may also vary depending on your handling of the window treatments as well as the dust element in the environment. We start by checking the fabric of your window treatments. This method is not preferred if the fabric is sensitive to heat. We use highly heated pressurized steam and press it on the window treatments. The cleaning solution is mixed up in the steam which dissolves the dirt and stained particles in the window treatments and removes them easily. However, as we told you earlier, this process is not easy as it seems. The steam is pumped keeping the machine at a specific distance to prevent the window treatments from getting burnt. Moreover, we have to take proper care to prevent over-wetting of window treatments which may cause shrinkage. Under-wetting also maybe not be effective leaving the spots and sticky material on the fabric. That is why we propose you get this work done by a professional cleaning company such as Broadway Carpets NY. We help you with the desired skills, expertise and knowledge of window treatments cleaning using our experience of over 20 years. Besides regular cleaning, you should invest in professional cleaning of window treatments to prolong their life and reduce the health risks associated with dirty window treatments.

What's special about Broadway Carpets NY?

Broadway Carpets NY is a service based company working on its sole purpose of providing an outstanding level of specialty window treatments cleaning services to our clients throughout Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx, Riverdale, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island and New Jersey. We have been serving the people of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Bronx, Riverdale, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island and New Jersey for over 20 years. Our exceptional skills and expertise have helped us expand our number of clients by 25% annually. We deliver our clients a friendly environment that is highly professional at the same time. Our clients are both from commercial as well as home sectors. We always outperform and try to exceed the expectations of all our clients. We strive to improve and grow with time. Our staff continuously experiment with new ideas at the headquarters and come up with unique options which are not only better in terms of time management but also superior in quality. Our staff is trained and certified on a regular basis ensuring their up-to-date window treatments cleaning expertise, personal safety and project management skills. We take pride in our window treatments cleaning services and we believe we are the best option you will ever choose for your window treatments cleaning. Get 20% any service we offer. Free estimates. Free pick up. Free delivery. Same day service. We will match any competitors, reasonably written estimate by 15%.